Leverkusen, German


First weatherstation app screenshots

Local weather informations If the weatherstation provides local weather informations from our arduino / ESP8266 station it will be shown here. The weatherstation sends in a interval, of a time which you can configure on your own, to the raspberry pi server and save it to a postgresql database. The Database saves all information about:…

New Project: Intelligent controller for Garden watering or short: ICG.

Why do i need that? In my personal case, my wife and i will build our house this and next year. I never had a garden before and i want to water my garden in a smart way. So what can i do? I can use timers, yes. The problem with timers is the independence…

laptimer origins

The idea the idea of this project is quite easy. For any carrera track you have a laptimer and you can buy them easily almost everywhere in a toyshop. So, what could be the idea to do it on my own? The answer is very easy: I want it to have more features. I really…