Leverkusen, German

First weatherstation app screenshots

First weatherstation app screenshots

Local weather informations

Local weather informations not yet recorder

If the weatherstation provides local weather informations from our arduino / ESP8266 station it will be shown here. The weatherstation sends in a interval, of a time which you can configure on your own, to the raspberry pi server and save it to a postgresql database. The Database saves all information about: – Temperature, – Wind – Humidity – Rain From this datasets the server calculates if there is a need on watering your garden or not. This will save your water usage and will save your sparetime.

weather informations from cloud service

weather informations from cloud service: openweathermap.org

I use the free version of openweathermap.org api to get informations about the current weather to compare that informations with my local saved data. beside the current weather data you can get a 3-hour forecast for the next 5 days, which is by far the best api for free in this sector. The only thing you have to do is you need a free api key from openweathermap.org. After you set the api key in the settings on the app you will receive your forecast and local weather. The forecast will be used to have a better and more clear result on the question: do i need to water the garden or maybe not. Again you will save freshwater and your free time.

Create timer and say where you want to water you garden.

Create and manage timer

The server can have up to x arduino controller. You will have to register a arduino controller in the app. The arduino controller can start watering in a specific area of your garden. On timer can trigger all, one or a set of controller at once.
This will setup your garden watering to the next level. You can manage your controller in the app or in the web interface.

This is not the end