Leverkusen, German

New Project: Intelligent controller for Garden watering or short: ICG.

New Project: Intelligent controller for Garden watering or short: ICG.

Why do i need that?

In my personal case, my wife and i will build our house this and next year. I never had a garden before and i want to water my garden in a smart way. So what can i do?
I can use timers, yes. The problem with timers is the independence to weather.
When it rain’s the whole day, why would you start to water your garden?
You have now the option to skip the timer, maybe with your Smartphone or you have to go to the timer and skip it there.
I want to have smart controller who controls the demands of watering concerning current weather-conditions, forecast and history data.
If it will rain in the future or a few hours before my timer fires, then skip.
If it rained the whole day, skip
And so on.
I will provide all usecase’s in the future.

What parts do i need?

The Weather Station

  • ESP8266
  • Barometer
  • Humidity – Sensor
  • Rain – Detector
  • Case
  • Platine

The Server

  • Raspberry Pi >= 3

The Water-Actor

  • ESP 8266